The Basics: How to Fly Tie
So, you want to tie your first fly. Awesome!
Here are the barebones basic tools you will need...
- A Vise: this holds your fly while you tie. Basic vises that hook onto any table start around $15.
- A Hook: choose your size and style preference for what you wish to tie. Of course, the smaller the size number, the larger the hook.
- Thread: threads come in a variety of deniers (or thicknesses) and colors. The higher the denier number, the thicker the thread.
- Scissors: doesn't have to be anything fancy, but you will need them.
- Other materials: do you want a bead, chenille, feathers, dubbing, wire, or glue?
- Patience: take a deep breath and remember everyone starts somewhere. Be patient with yourself and know the ugliest flies can be the best at catching fish ;)
- Want to progress your skills? Don't be afraid to ask someone with more experience to evaluate your fly or give pointers on your next!