Remember when...
I can hear it now. You are telling your grandkids about the best fishery in this state. The river where you caught your biggest fish. The river where you spent as much time as possible fishing. As you are telling the story, you transport back to the cool mornings you would spend in waist deep cold water. As the years went on, you needed more layers but you still were out there. Cool fog, hot coffee in a thermos, numb toes and telling yourself you don't have to pee right now. You are imagining your fly cast while you recreate this story when your grandkid interrupts you and ask, "what happened to the river?"
A few years ago, Tennessee anglers faced a huge problem with how to pay for the stocking of trout in our tailwaters. TWRA opened up a comment period that gave anglers a chance to voice ideas on how to fund this. Ideas ranged from increasing license fees, increasing trout stamp fees, but fortunately financing was secured (at least for now).
TWRA has once again opened up for opinions about how to better our fisheries. Friends of ours have started a petition to help the Caney Fork. If you have fished awhile, you will remember the Caney was the river to be on. Dam work and other upgrades threatened the flows and really hurt the fishery. Currently, the Caney is an amazing river to fish. Trout are healthy, fat and colorful. I would encourage you to follow this link and go sign the petition to make sure the Caney stays that way and even improves.
Don't stop there though! Go to the TWRA trout management plan and educate yourself on what the TWRA plans to do. You can voice your opinion on the Caney or any fishery until August 4, 2017.